To The Bottom and Back (2BNB) is a Richmond, VA non-profit dedicated to reducing incidents of drinking and driving throughout the Richmond Metro area. Bus transportation is a safer and more eco-friendly mode of transportation for Richmond residents to use while enjoying the city's great culture and local events.
The 2BNB app launched in August 2011 and has had two minor and one major version updates. The newest version fully supports iOS 6 routing with the new Maps app and adds an iPad user interface. Over 20,000 riders have safely traveled throughout the Richmond Metro area using the 2BNB app.
2BNB communicates with a RESTful backend with JSON over HTTP. It heavily uses
and MapKit
for its user interface and Google Directions
to provide the data for iOS 6 routing.
This application is not affiliated with 2BNB, but is offered as an aid to riders who want to use the service.